ADHD Information – The Facts You Need to Know About the Disorder

Do you or your child suffering from ADHD? Do you know the symptoms, causes and treatment of ADHD? If not, this article presents some of the important important information regarding ADHD you must be informed about.

1. ADHD is predominantly present in children – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD is a condition that mainly strikes children. Children between the ages of 3 and 6 are most like to develop ADHD. The condition, if not cured completely, carries on into their teenage life and adulthood too. This is, unfortunately very common and so we have many adults with ADHD too.

2. Causes – While going through ADHD information, you will see that the causes of ADHD include injury to the brain, being exposed to lead, use of tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy by the mother, genetics and low body weight at the time of birth. All these are attributed to be causes of ADHD. However, there are cases too where the disorder sets in, irrespective of the above mentioned causes, but such cases are rare.

3. Symptoms of ADHD – There are mainly three important symptoms of ADHD – hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattentiveness. ADHD information must be handed out to everyone so that the correct analysis of the symptoms happens and the patient is treated properly. It must be remembered here that the symptoms of ADHD are often confused and so before any treatment is started, the child must and tested and ADHD confirmed.

4. Treatment – ADHD can be treated with the help of medicines, exercise, proper diets and an improved lifestyle. Popping the pills, however, remain the most popular mode of treatment. Unfortunately this is a very dangerous practice. The prescription drugs for ADHD are very harmful for the body and end up causing more damage than cure. The children suffer from side-effects and even get addicted to them. However, there is hope as now there are some wonderful alternative medications available for the treatment of ADHD. These medicines are gentle, while being very effective at the same time.

5. Effect of lifestyle on ADHD – The way you lead your life has a huge effect on your health. It has been seen that children with ADHD who have a monitored lifestyle, deal much better with the condition than those who are not disciplined and follow unhealthy habits. For instance, a child affected with ADHD must eat a low-oil, low-salt, low-sugar diet. The consumption of aerated drinks should be lessened. If these guidelines are followed, the symptoms of ADHD do reduce. Fortunately, there is a lot of ADHD information available today and helps you in understanding the problem better. vyvanse 60 mg

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