Boosting Your Accounting Career Earnings

Accounting is a crucial function in the modern economy, and the industry has a strong job outlook. A person in the field of accounting can take on a variety of roles and work in industries from private companies to public ones. There is also a range of specializations that can boost an accountant’s earnings potential. Choosing the right career path and earning additional credentials are key to becoming an in-demand accountant.

Accounting salaries vary based on industrial sector and location. For instance, an accountant working for a corporation may make more than someone employed by the government. This is because a corporation has more assets and financial resources to manage than a local government entity. Moreover, the Big Four accounting firms — Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers – employ a significant number of accountants, which can lead to higher salary levels than other smaller local firms.

Accountants who specialize in forensic accounting or tax accounting can earn much more than their counterparts. This is because these types of accountants investigate financial discrepancies and fraud and are therefore in high demand. A CPA certification can significantly boost an accountant’s earnings potential.

A graduate degree in accounting can also improve an individual’s career prospects. A master’s in accounting can provide the additional qualifications needed to stand out from other candidates and get a job at one of the top-paying firms. Miles Education offers a master’s in accounting program that provides students with the training and tools they need to succeed in this competitive field. Accounting career earnings

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